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General Inquiries:
James Godwin

Showing 52 reactions

commented 2014-04-21 14:25:19 -0500
I would like to buy a copy of the film for personal viewing and possible group screening. How can I obtain a copy?
commented 2014-04-20 20:24:58 -0500

My name is Forrest Brown and I am a Minneapolis resident who had the pleasure of seeing the screening at the Minneapolis International Film Festival over the weekend. I want to congratulate you on a great piece. It was very moving, and I feel it has the potential to mobilize people to think about the way we attain energy in our country.

That being said, I am currently a volunteer with the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society working in event planning and fundraising. Over the past four years we have hosted documentary film screening, panel discussion, and fundraiser. I was hoping to learn more about obtaining one time screening rights for the event, which is scheduled for late July. I am anxious to share the movie with my friends who missed it and I think it would generate a ton of interest. Thanks again for your work and I hope to speak with you soon.
commented 2014-04-13 18:37:39 -0500
Do you expect any screenings in Raleigh/Chapel Hill/ Greensboro areas?
commented 2014-03-30 21:16:02 -0500
I very much want to see the film. I was present at demonstrations with the TarsandsBlockade in East TX in 2013. I hate that the TX Railroad Commission gave eminent domain to TransCanada — that is so wrong.
I couldn’t believe how the cops treated the protesters - 1) with pepper-spray-those who were too old to get out of the way on the side of the highway 2) or being arrested and dragged in such a way to damage the shoulder when they passively resisted.

And the damage done to people’s homes and lives— it is shameful.

I was fortunate to spend summers during my childhood with my loving grandparents in Rusk, TX on a farm and so loved it there. They lost their farm house because they didn’t own the mineral rights to the farm — that my grandfather had inherited from his mother. The drillers decided they would put a well right where the house was and my grandparents became share-croppers on another farm.
commented 2014-03-19 17:31:18 -0500
I would like to consider adding this film, Above All Else, to Earth Matters Film Series in Tulsa, OK presented by Oklahoma Sierra Club and CleanEnergy Future OK.

Is it a full length or short film?

How can I preview a copy of it.

It will be shown in the Circle Cinema independent film theater.
commented 2014-03-10 18:43:21 -0500
I want to get this in the art theater in St. Johnsbury, VT, as soon as possible – we’re on the $2.6 billion Eastern Access – early stages of organizing – pipeline goes right through my town – I’ll do whatever on my end to get it screened in front of a large audience with a very real involvement. Gotta get it to South Portland, too. Thank you so much for making this film!
commented 2013-12-03 20:38:29 -0600
Hi John,

My name is Nathan Devine and I am currently running a Kickstarter campaign called Retrash. My project is similar to your project in the way that it is creating awareness around the causes of climate change.

The goal with Retrash is to educate the world to reuse and reduce waste, by inspiring creative upcycling and purchasing sustainable products.

I am having a lot of trouble getting traction on this project and could really use some help.

Would there be any chance of you sharing the project with your audience? I am happy to do everything that I can to promote your documentary through the website, social media and Kickstarter.

I would really appreciate any help that you can offer.

The project is

All the very best

Nathan Devine
commented 2013-11-18 00:05:17 -0600
Hi I am interested in your internship for your film in the post production side of things. I attend the University of Texas at Austin and have had past editing experience before. Please get back to me, thank you.
commented 2013-10-23 15:09:30 -0500
Hello John,

How is the film going?

I am interested in considering for our 2014 Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital, March 18-30.

Could you please let me know the status of it?

We are hoping to finish programming in the beginning of December but we are very open to show works in progress if yo need more time.


commented 2013-08-27 10:04:51 -0500
Dear Above All Else Team, I am contacting you from the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital. We would love to consider your film for our 2014 Festival, March 18-30. Please let me know the status of it and if we can preview even it is still a work in progress.

Many thanks,

commented 2013-06-24 15:27:20 -0500
Hi John,

I’ve been very excited to see this movie since I first heard about it a few months back. Looks pretty haunting from the minute I have seen!

I wanted to let you know about a new KXL protest anthem the band, Melodeego wrote for the “Funeral For Our Future” action in March, where it was sung with over 100 activists in the TransCanada lobby in Westborough. 25 of us kept singing as we were led out in handcuffs. We’re making the recording available for free throughout this Fearless Summer because this song truly belongs to everyone who’s fighting the pipeline!

Download your free copy here! (

Also please watch and share this VIDEO that our friends Brian and Sam created, to capture the spirit of the song, the action, and the movement as a whole.

We know that you are doing some incredible work right now to fight the pipeline, and our greatest hope is that this song can be another tool in your courageous efforts. If it serves your work, please use the song in any actions or videos that you have coming up. We’ll share and promote anything you put out that incorporates the song. Just tag: #DiggingUsaHole

Thanks for all you continue to do for this world!
commented 2013-06-19 13:04:23 -0500

commented 2013-06-17 18:51:12 -0500
When did/does the film come out? We would like to show it locally here in Nebraska. We were on the original route and are again on the reroute. Thanks for all you do, look forward to seeing it sometime soon!
commented 2013-06-11 00:33:22 -0500
Hi John; I’m a friend of David Daniels here in Winnsboro, Texas, and I had sent along a couple songs with permissions to use as you see fit. We didn’t know what your plans were as far as soundtrack for the documentary went. We have more music, and Adler & Hearne are connected with the Michael Moore film festival up in Northern Michigan [Traverse City] in July. If you need any more information on ANY of this, please don’t hesitate to contact me…“You’ve got me Right Where You Want Me” was a rushed demo, and plans to polish it up with a proper recording are in the works, unless YOU have someone in mind to sing and play it, which is fine, too :-)
commented 2013-05-21 11:59:34 -0500
I am interested in finding out ways I can help you guys. I can’t wait to see the film. I did join the kickstarter campaign. Congratulations on getting funded.


commented 2013-05-18 18:02:45 -0500

Keep going here. It is bigger than any “one” of us. What you are trying to do is Big. We have some brothers and sisters on board. I am 65 but remember when Butterfly came here (northwest Arkansas) to save some very old Black Jack Oaks. The trees are gone but not her efforts. Efforts is what builds and makes a difference. Thanks for wanting to do this Documentary.

John Murdoch

commented 2013-05-15 16:13:42 -0500
Journalist Inquiry: I am a columnist and book author (latest is: FRACKING PENNSYLVANIA). I would like to chat with John Fiege for info for possible column—and for probable mention in 2nd edition of the book.
commented 2013-05-05 18:39:49 -0500
hi Libbie

sounds like an ambitious and worthwhile undertaking.

do you have an expected release date established yet?

are impacted TX land owners Michael Bishop or Ms Crawford or Eleanor

Fairchild from Winnsboro featured?

and you are just wanting us to let people know about the film’s upcoming

release or are

you still needing add’l -producers, ie. $ ?

we have a website and FB page so give us a lil more info about exactly what

kind of exposure and cooperation you are wanting

best with completing the film, for kxl truthforce david druding
commented 2013-03-18 14:16:54 -0500
I simply want to find out if the film is available yet and if so how to order copies.
commented 2013-02-20 20:13:01 -0600
hi, we met at the forward on climate rally sunday. I heard about a non-profit that provides funding for underrepresented films about social issues. Cinareach. Thinking you should apply to them for a grant.

this film is important.

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ABOVE ALL ELSE reveals the hidden story of how the Keystone XL pipeline battle in East Texas built a community of resistance to the climate crisis in America.